BitNami WordPress on Amazon EC2 redirects to internal IP

2014-10-07 14:15:36 -0400
By default BitNami WordPress uses the internal IP when you install it on an EC2 instance

When you visit https://<public_ip>/, it will redirect to https://10.x.x.x/wp-signup.php?new=<public_ip>

The solution is to call the /opt/wordpress-4.0-0/apps/wordpress/updateip alone with the public IP

# /opt/wordpress-4.0-0/apps/wordpress/updateip <public_ip>

If updateip is not found at above location you can do this to find it out:

# find /opt/wordpress-4.0-0/ -name updateip

## Here is the list of args that updateip accepts
# /opt/wordpress-4.0-0/apps/wordpress/updateip --help
Bitnami Config Tool

--help Display the list of valid options

--version Display product information

--unattendedmodeui <unattendedmodeui> Unattended Mode UI
Default: none
Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs

--optionfile <optionfile> Installation option file

--debuglevel <debuglevel> Debug information level of verbosity
Default: 2
Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4

--mode <mode> Installation mode
Default: unattended
Allowed: qt gtk xwindow text unattended

--debugtrace <debugtrace> Debug filename

--installer-language <installer-language> Language selection
Default: en
Allowed: sq ar es_AR pt_BR bg ca hr cs da nl en et fi fr de el he hu it ja ko lv lt no pl pt ro ru sr zh_CN sk sl es sv th zh_TW tr va cy

--machine_hostname <machine_hostname> Hostname

--appurl <appurl> Change the application URL prefix

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