Apple Pay vs. Alipay

2014-09-10 22:05:51 -0400
Alipay will be the biggest enemy for Apple Pay

Alipay has the largest credit cards pool in China. And people are using their phone to pay with their credit cards, via Alipay mobile apps

And Alipay has the great user experience: easy to add the credit card and easy to pay

Apple Pay also has their large credit cards pool, but only those who use iPhone will be able to use the Apple Pay. Unlike Alipay which is available in every major platforms: iOS, Android, Windows and Web

Paypal takes the very slow progress on their mobile platform in last years. Paypal was supposed to fight against Alipay, but apparently Paypal is now behind Alipay on user experience and features, and even user base

Lets hope Alipay won't rule the payment world.
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