Cello is a library for C
It provides some features that commonly found in high level programming languages, for example dynamic type:
var int_item = $(Int, 5);
var float_item = $(Real, 2.4);
var string_item = $(String, "Hello");
It uses a "var" structure where it is able to hold different types of values
The way of defining a universal structure to describe different types of values is commonly used in the core engines of dynamic type programming languages like PHP.
Here is how Zend - the PHP Core engine - is doing this universal type structure:
typedef struct _zval_struct zval;
typedef union _zvalue_value {
long lval; /* long value */
double dval; /* double value */
struct {
char *val;
int len;
} str;
HashTable *ht; /* hash table value */
zend_object_value obj;
} zvalue_value;
struct _zval_struct {
/* Variable information */
zvalue_value value; /* value */
zend_uint refcount;
zend_uchar type; /* active type */
zend_uchar is_ref;
Now the Cello did something similar and much more to get the C programming being more efficient on writing and maybe reading as well
/* Example libCello Program */
#include "Cello.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* Stack objects are created using "$" */
var int_item = $(Int, 5);
var float_item = $(Real, 2.4);
var string_item = $(String, "Hello");
/* Heap objects are created using "new" */
var items = new(List, int_item, float_item, string_item);
/* Collections can be looped over */
foreach (item in items) {
/* Types are also objects */
var type = type_of(item);
print("Object %$ has type %$\n", item, type);
/* Heap objects destroyed with "delete" */
/* Another Example Cello Program */
#include "Cello.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* Tables require "Eq" and "Hash" on key type */
var prices = new(Table, String, Int);
put(prices, $(String, "Apple"), $(Int, 12));
put(prices, $(String, "Banana"), $(Int, 6));
put(prices, $(String, "Pear"), $(Int, 55));
/* Tables also supports iteration */
foreach (key in prices) {
var price = get(prices, key);
print("Price of %$ is %$\n", key, price);
/* "with" automatically closes file at end of scope. */
with (file in open($(File, NULL), "prices.bin", "wb")) {
/* First class function object */
lambda(write_pair, args) {
/* Run time type-checking with "cast" */
var key = cast(at(args, 0), String);
var value = cast(get(prices, key), Int);
try {
print_to(file, 0, "%$ :: %$\n", key, value);
} catch (e in IOError) {
println("Could not write to file - got %$", e);
return None;
/* Higher order functions */
map(prices, write_pair);